News & Events

5 de junio de 2020

New coastal sea level dataset (2002-2018) available

Database of coastal sea level anomalies & associated trends from Jason satellite altimetry

The XTRACK-ALES v1.1 along-track high-resolution (20 Hz) Sea Level Anomalies have been used to derive a new thematic coastal sea level product: this is a database of monthly-averaged post-processed Sea Level Anomalies and associated trends estimated along the tracks at 429 selected coastal sites from 2002-2018.

SLAs are available in six different regions:

  • Mediterranean Sea
  • North-East Atlantic
  • West Africa
  • North Indian Ocean
  • South-East Asia
  • Australia

The product is available for the users:

The Climate Change Coastal Sea Level Team (2020). A database of coastal sea level anomalies and associated trends from Jason satellite altimetry over 2002-2018. SEANOE.

This product is dedicated to the analysis of coastal sea level trends. The production and validation of the product is fully described in the following publication: The SL_CCI+ coastal sea level team: Coastal sea level anomalies and associated trends from Jason satellite altimetry over 2002 - 2018, Scientific Data (Nature), submitted.